Herd of Beasts 4
There are 70 Antediluvian Beasts Models with their respective bases. These miniatures I have modeled respecting current paleontological knowledge by studying fossil remains and taking into account recognized paleo-artistic recreations. I modeled these miniatures on a 32mm scale. (the height of a man's eyes). Pre Supported Models All the models are delivered Pre Supported so that you can enjoy your printed miniatures as soon as possible. You receive the pieces in "clean" STL files, in STL files with the supports, and in the Chitubox file in case you want to modify any of the supports, or even hollow it out.
12species - 70 poses
- - Giant Warthog (Metridiochoerus jacksoni)
- - Giant bison (Bison latifrons)
- - Ambulocetus (Ambulocetus natans)
- - Argentavis (Argentavis magnificens)
- - Dire wolf (Aenocyon dirus)
- - Titanotylopus (Titanotylopus nebraskensis)
- - Hippidion (Hippidion principale)
- - Moa (Dinornis novaezealandiae)
- - Quinkana (Quinkana fortirostrum)
- - Titanis (Titanis walleri)
- -Megalonyx (Megalonyx jeffersonii)
- -BearDog (Amphicyon ingens
4.22 GB
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